Docking at Canalside

Visit Canalside by boat!

Boat Launched Into Water



  1. Dock at your own RISK.
  2. Spaces are NOT guaranteed if you depart from Canalside docks.
  3. DO NOT anchor in channel.
  4. Utilize hook ups are limited. Please inquire about hook ups at the pay station located at the information desk or ask dock Master.
  5. Please pay docking fees upon arrival to the Dock Master or at the information center located in the Longshed building.
  6. Boaters must tape harbor slip to port window of boat.
  7. Bathroom facilities available for our boating patrons only from 7 am to 10 pm daily. An entrance code will be given when you pay for your stay.
  8. No open fires or gas grills on deck.
  9. Swimming is NOT allowed in the basin channel due to Electric Shock drowning and it’s against our code of conduct.
  10. Our Dock Master or any staff has the right to re-tie your boat to move to make room for other boats. Please move boats up to make room for other boats behind.
  11. Due to limited docking, rafting of boats may be required with rafting of up to 3 boats.

OVERNIGHT FEES - overnight fees include any boats staying after 9pm

With electric & water (overnight):

  • 25' and under boats are $30
  • 26' to 40' boats are $35
  • 41' and over boats are $40

Without electric & water (overnight):

  • 25' and under boats are $25
  • 26' to 40' boats are $30
  • 41' and over boats are $35

DAILY FEES - Daily is until 9pm, after 9pm pay overnight fees with or without electric

  • 25' and under boats are $12
  • 26' to 40' boats are $16
  • 41' and over boats are $22

Prices are the same for all rafting boats. Prices can change without notice. Docking at your own Risk.